Category Archives: Assemblage

Assemblage pins assembled

I’ve had dozens, if not hundreds of intriguing little pieces of stuff kicking around the shop for years. Faucet handles, wood scraps, crystals, bits of string.

I decided to throw a few of them together and put pinbacks on them before Christmas, but then the family decided this would be a no-gifts Christmas so we could focus entirely on conversation, games, and good time together. So they kicked around the shop for weeks.

Our neighbors here in Seattle have erected the delightful Red/Orange Door ART Gallery. I hope they don’t mind my offering them there.

If you see them, take one! If you take a pin and don’t mind seeing yourself featured here, please email me a photo of yourself wearing it, and I’ll post it below.

And if you happen down 75th Street between Linden and Fremont, I hope you’ll bang on the gongs mounted on the tree in front of our place.